Sunday, November 27, 2011

Proverbs 27 Protect Your Heart!

Scripture:  Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.

Observation:  What I allow into my heart and life is what will be reflected in my attitude and words.

Application:  I need to continue to take every thought captive and to be careful what types of things I allow into my heart.  I want to please God and be a light in this world to guide others to Him and I can't do that if my heart is polluted with worldly things.  I need to continue in a daily quiet time and be always ready to give a reason for what I believe.  I want my heart to be pure and my life to reflect Him.

Prayer:  Dear Lord,  Sometimes I am so bombarded by all the information that comes my way each day from the computer, tv, cell phone, facebook, etc.  I don't want all that information to keep me from having a heart and life that want to serve you.  Lord, help me to put you and your word first so that I will be able to sort out all the rest. As always, I need your wisdom and truth to prevail in my life.  I want to be a light for you and to do your will here on earth.  Please help me to protect mine and my children's hearts from the worldly things that can cause it damage.   I love you, Lord!


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