Friday, November 18, 2011

Proverbs 18 Don't be a Fool

Scripture:  Proverbs 18:2  Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.

Observation:  Funny thing... As I was getting ready to do my bible study, I was struggling with frustration at my husband and praying that God would guide my thoughts as they were not pleasant ones.

 You see, back when the economy started going bad, my husband was laid off from his job.  We were so blessed that he received another job offer that same day.  It was amazing.  The plan was that we would have to move to Nebraska since that's where the job was mostly focused.  Then our house wouldn't sell.  So for the last 2 years, my husband spends at least Monday through Friday in Nebraska in hotels and comes home to his wife and 4 kids on the weekends.  His job is very stressful and his boss calls at all hours and days so there really is never a true day off.  It's begun to take it's toll.. on him, our marriage, and our kids.  So today, I was excited that he had come home to spend the weekend with us! No sooner had we got out of bed, when his boss called and that's the last we'll see of him for awhile.  My frustration was great when I sat down to read God's word. Then the first two verses of Proverbs 18 slapped me in the face.  I don't want to be a fool, I want to understand. I don't want to just air my opinion because that won't help the situation.  It would only serve to make my husband feel guilty.  He's trying so hard to provide for his family and be THERE for his family and right now, that's physically hard to do.  I don't want to be a fool, I want to be the wife he needs me to be in this phase of our life.

Application:  Today, I'm going to build my husband up! It's his birthday and I'm going to try to make him feel as loved as I possibly can.  I'm going to encourage him and tell him how much we appreciate all his hard work for us.  I am going to find delight in understanding how hard he is trying to balance everything and tell him how great I think he is doing.  I'm so thankful that God gave us such a hard-working, God-loving husband and father and I'm going to honor that gift.

Prayer:  Dear Lord,  Thank you so much for giving my husband to me.  Forgive me when I become frustrated and selfish with him and his time. Forgive me for being negative and criticizing him when he really is trying his best.  Help me to be the wife he needs me to be right now.  I want to be loving, encouraging and appreciative of the gift you have given to this family in a wonderful father, husband and provider.  I don't want to be a fool in airing my own opinion but to give understanding for the situation we're in right now.  Thank you so much for giving him this job.  If there is a different solution to our job situation, I pray you would grant us wisdom to find it.  Thank you for taking care of us.


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