Scripture: Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Observation: Understanding the vast power of the Lord is a big step to getting wisdom. He created the earth and everything in it. He is bigger than we can even grasp, He Is God! The more we know of Him, (knowledge of the Holy One by reading God's word) the more we can begin to grasp His bigness and gain wisdom.
Application: For 9 days now, I have consistently been doing this study. I know that's a small amount of time but I'm thankful for all that the Lord is showing me. I do want to gain wisdom and I can't wait to see all that God will reveal to me by just being consistent in spending time in His word and prayer. I want to get a grasp on His bigness and my smallness so that I might grow in Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord,
Thank you for your great love for me! Thank you that even though you control life and death, you choose to give me life daily and life abundant. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness! Please help me to continue to be consistent in studying your word and prayer that I might continue to grow in You daily. I want to gain wisdom and understanding of who you are and who you created me to be on this earth.
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