Friday, November 11, 2011

Proverbs 11 Give Freely

Scripture:  Proverbs 11:24  One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Observation:  It is so hard to give freely when money seems so tight. It never ceases to amaze me though how when you give, the money seems to stretch even farther. I want to be generous and give freely but wisely.

Application:  There are many out there that have needs and I need to remain sensitive to where God would like me to help.  I want to be His servant and His tool to reach others in His name. I'm going to pray for His guidance to show me where he would like me to give freely.

Prayer:  Oh Lord,  You know I have failed to give a tithe or offering regularly.  I am so sorry that I have short changed your kingdom.  Please help me to have the wisdom to know where and what to give to help others and your church.  I know your word says to "Test Me in this" in Malachi and Lord, you know our financial situation better than anyone.  Please help us to give out of faith and not out of the excess that we are always hoping to have.  I want to give freely and generously and faithfully.  

I love you Lord,



  1. Wow, that's honesty!
    I really appreciate your sharing your true prayers with us.
    And I am so glad you are reading with me. :)

  2. Not too many people are willing to be that honest, especially in public. The majority of us would prefer to let people assume that we are committed to the word of God and keeping his commandments.
    Thank you for your honesty it says a lot about you and thanks for your prayer, it help me open up to God about my short comings and my inability to trust him in everything.

  3. Thank you both for your kind comments :)
