Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Proverbs 2; Finding Wisdom


  Proverbs 2:9  Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path.


  How I long to understand, how I long to stay on the "good path"! I long for wisdom daily in all the decisions that I make knowing how they affect others. 

 It was hard to nail down a specific verse in this chapter since I felt that in order to understand what is right and find wisdom, this chapter explains how you must search diligently for it first.  I cannot expect it to land in my lap under no effort of my own. I honestly think that God is telling me to be in the scriptures daily, not just when it's convenient; and to sincerely search the meanings and not just read the surface.  I need to close out the rest of the world for that short time and totally devote my head and heart to hearing what those scriptures are saying.  Then I will find the wisdom that I so long for and understand what is right and just and fair.  Relationships take time and energy and I believe that I really haven't been giving enough to the one relationship that should be the most important. I expect returns from a relationship I haven't given to in the first place. Wisdom and understanding will come as I give my devotion to finding it.

 Oh how I have been missing out on what my Savior longs to give to me!

Application:  I think I got a little ahead of myself in my observations! I obviously feel I need to devote more time to reading God's word and praying. If I gave as much time to this as I do to Facebook, I'd have an amazing relationship with the Lord and have a lot better wisdom than what I'm getting there!

Prayer:  Lord Jesus,  Please help me to discipline myself to have a daily quiet time with you.  Please forgive me for allowing so many things to come before that.  I know wisdom from you is the best kind I can get and yet I continue to look for it elsewhere.  I truly want the Godly wisdom that you are offering me if I'll only look for it.  I want to stay on the good path!  Thank you Lord for loving me and patiently waiting for me to come spend time with you.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! It sounds like this might be just what you needed. :) I'm glad you are reading with us. :)
