Saturday, November 26, 2011

Proverbs 26 Don't be Wise in Your own Eyes

Scripture:  Proverbs 26:12  Do you see a person wise in their own eyes?  There is more hope for a fool than for them.

Observation:  I don't want to be a fool! I never want to view myself as wise enough. God will always have more wisdom to impart to me. I'm so thankful for the times I feel His wisdom and I never want to feel prideful about those moments and play a fool.

Application:  I can never get enough wisdom!  I want to constantly hunger for it! I also need to remain humble about any wisdom that is given to me and use it for God's glory and not my own.  I never want to think I know the answers and stop searching out God's direction.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, Oh how I need your wisdom.  Thank you for blessing me with it when I need and ask for it.  Please help me to never be prideful or wise in my own eyes.  I lack so much and need your guidance and direction.  Help me to be your servant and use that wisdom for Your glory.   


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