Sunday, November 6, 2011

Proverbs 5; God sees it all

Scripture: Proverbs 5:21  For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths.

Observation:  Everything I do, say or think is in full view of the Lord. If I think I'm doing something in secret, I never am. I want to be the same person whether I'm alone or with others because God sees it all.

Application:  I believe the area that I struggle isn't so much the doing and saying as these are usually done with others around.  It's the thinking. I need to remember that he hears everything that I think as well. I need to take every thought captive!

Prayer:  Dear Lord, 

I know there are times that my words and actions don't reflect you.  I want to be who you created me to be all the time and not just when I think others are watching.  I know sometimes I have negative, ugly thoughts about others or about a situation.  I want to be so infused with you that even my thoughts please you.  Forgive me, Lord when I have failed to do that. I know that my thoughts will directly affect my actions and words and I want to be pleasing to you in every way.  



  1. Wow, thank you for such a wonderful post. Your prayer really hit home for me.

    Many blessings,

  2. Thank you for your encouragement, Lisa! I really needed that today!

