Saturday, December 17, 2011

Luke 11 A House United

Scripture:  Luke 11:17  Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them:  "Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.

Observation:  Many times I view our family as "me against them".  I don't mean to, it just slowly evolves. Then it becomes a game I can't win. I'm lonely and they're defensive.  I don't want to be a house divided.

Application:  I need to try to find more ways to involve my kids, enjoy time together, laugh and play with them and not get bogged down and frustrated with all my to-do lists not getting done.  A long time from now, I won't remember all the lists I scratched off but I will remember all the memories we made in the process. I want to make sure they're good ones.

Prayer:  Dear Lord,  Please forgive me for allowing my house to be divided.  I don't want it to be a "me against them" game.  I want us to be united in You. Show me how to create a more unified environment with more joy so that we can make memories that will last. Help me to not get so caught up in my lists that I miss the important stuff.   Thank you that your mercies are new each morning.  Please bless this family, Lord.   


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